The voodoo chipset is easy to overclock,but by choosing a higher value the chip will get hotter.For a monster3d the max-safe setting is 57mhz,an orchid 3dfx can be set to 54,a pure 3d can go to 60.(all at your own risk) Watch for glitches in your screen when playing quake2, if you encounter things like texture tearing and white dots, you have probably set the clock to high.
Enables Fast PCI read, subtract waitstates on PCI reads. (Voodoo -> PCI)
0 = off / 1 = on.
Enables fast DRAM and EDO
0 = off / 1 = on.
Use this if your refresh rate of your 3dfx-card is higher than 75hz else your gamma settings in quake won't work at all.
The times that your monitor's screen get refreshed , the higher the better (your monitor must support these rates !!!!!)
Syncing to monitor refresh rate :
0 = Turn of syncing to the monitor's vertical refresh rate.This means a big increase of fps.
Adjust the brightness of the screen in your games(quake way to dark ?,use this).The higher the number the brighter your screen gets.(and sometimes ugly :)
With red green and blue you can adjust the intensity of the color, the easiest thing to do is to use the same value for each setting.
1 = Disable 3Dfx logo animation.This will enable or disable the spinning logo at startup of glide games.
0 = off (might improve performance). 0 to swap backbuffer/frontbuffer asap, 1 to swap on vsync, 2 to swap every two vsyncs.
Press this and you can review your settings and then save them.